Friday, April 9, 2010

Getting Started with Ruby On Rails

For those who know me, they know I am always trying to learn new things. Lately my focus has been on Microsoft technologies like C#, VB.NET, Silverlight, Sharepoint, etc.

Today I have decided to push the envelope and do something a little different. I have decided to take a stab at Ruby on Rails. As with my other blogs, I will be posting things I learn as I go along. If you are a seasoned Ruby developer I would appreciate your assistance or advice on some of the obstacles I am going to run into.

My first hurdle was trying to find hosting. I have an account with DiscountAsp.Net as I am a .net developer by trade but I had no idea where to look for free or cheap ruby hosting. Eventually after some Googling I found this one.

My next issue is that I don't have a linux or Ubuntu installation. My laptop is windows based.
Luckily this free host gives me detailed instructions how to set up my dev environment on windows.

Once installed, I need a place to begin learning. I did some more searching and found these links:

While searching I came across a link on how to create web services using ruby on rails. This is pretty cool because I can write services and share them with my existing .net apps. As well my .net web services can save me time getting simple Ruby on Rails apps up without having to do a lot of learning up front. I can always fall back to .net for now.

I look forward to this learning experience and hope others more experienced will assist me on my journey. If you have tips, links, articles or resources or even just some advice, you can either post comments here or email Chris Williams at

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